Support the pop-up pantry

The Art House pop-up pantry collects supermarket surplus each week, gathers donations of food and toiletries and supporters and shares food and essentials with those who need it through an informal, drop-in community pantry and cafe, which is also a space where people can feel safe and have a friendly chat.

If you love sharing and dislike waste and would like to become one of our community of supporters, read on!

Monthly donations keep the pantry sustainable and helps us to plan ahead. We have lovely rewards and share behind the scenes updates with the folks who donate monthly, as a thank you for this regular support. Start from £2.50 to pay forward a hot drink, or donate more if you are able to. Here’s how:

Join our Patreon community (PayPal payment – comes with rewards!)
Become a member on ‘Buy me a Coffee’ (Stripe payment – comes with rewards!)
by selecting your donation amount and choosing ‘Make this a monthly donation’
Set up a regular monthly bank payment:
The Art House Southampton
Sort code 089299
Account no. 65287334, (The Co-operative Bank)
Can’t commit to regular support? We understand that a monthly donation isn’t possible for everyone. Every month, we need top up amounts to make sure the pantry is funded and running smoothly:
Make a one-off donation via BACS to:
The Art House Southampton
Sort code 089299
Account no. 65287334, (The Co-operative Bank)

Other ways you can help

Follow the pop up pantry on Facebook.

Share about our pantry on social media – just give this page a share and tell people about the pantry!

We also need volunteers to run the pantry – find out more here.

– The pantry needs donations of toiletries (unopened and in date please)

– Take a look at our wishlist (follow the link below)

– we take donations of in date, unopened non perishable food (tins, jars, snack bars, instant noodles etc) any time we are running, just drop in. We don’t currently have a collection point, if there is anywhere you can offer, let us know.

– Volunteers! We need helpers every Friday, please get in touch if you can spare some time on a Friday morning

– Spread the word about the community pantry so that we can reach people who need it and people who are able to support it.

Thank you so much for your support, without it we simply would not be able to be here and serve our community in this way.

22 Responses to Support the pop-up pantry

  1. Anna Boella says:

    I’ve done what I can financially, hopefully lots and lots of other people will as well! I’ll continue my support by volunteering in the kitchen and I’m happy to pay 50% commission IF I sell any jewellery x

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