Covid update

Quick #Covid update: we have never dropped masking or social distancing in our space, so we will continue to limit numbers, keep performance times short with ventilation breaks and encourage masking and lateral flow testing. We are keeping an eye on the local situation to decide how we run events this winter, but anticipate keeping these measures in place until spring unless things improve unexpectedly over the coming months.

Some of our upcoming events will be more self-directed in terms of how people choose to sit / stand, rather than set tables/seating in bubbles as earlier in the year, but there will be space to stand away from others or move your seating to facilitate distancing. Where practical we have doors open front and back during events, and CO2 monitoring and extraction to make sure ventilation is good.

Take care everyone! ❤️

About janifranck

Artist, activist, founding director of The Art House in Southampton.
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